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539089 searches: 396956 with results, 142133 with no results.
• Total - lists the total number of searches for each query
• Query - lists the various keywords for each search query
• Mode - lists the "and, exact, or" search mode per query
• Links - lists the average number of links found per query
• Time - lists the most recent GMT timestamp of each query
Listing 761 to 780 of 857. Page 39 of 43.
Total Query Mode Links Time
14 darth maul rubik's cube puzzle and 1 2011-12-28 19:33:59
14 map and 1 2008-11-29 13:01:50
13 tile cube 48mm and 2 2008-05-31 13:21:12
13 speed solve and 1 2009-01-22 05:57:08
13 rubik's minicube and 1 2013-03-06 22:49:52
13 philip marshall and 1 2011-10-07 13:34:11
12 gong and 2 2013-03-24 06:16:39
12 american flag pattern and 2 2009-04-14 14:59:53
11 gandalf pic and 2 2008-05-31 13:15:38
11 linda and 3 2008-05-31 13:28:24
10 5x5x5 rubic cube solver and 2 2013-03-24 06:14:57
9 snake cube 4x4x4 solution and 4 2011-12-28 19:22:58
8 dedmore and 1 2013-03-06 22:44:04
8 5x5x5 professor cube solution and 2 2011-10-07 13:33:15
8 friedrich metod and 2 2013-03-06 22:52:58
8 invented rubiks cube and 3 2008-05-31 13:09:07
8 rubiks twist snake and 4 2013-03-06 22:41:02
8 triple cross and 1 2008-05-31 13:24:46
7 plate and 1 2013-03-15 15:42:13
7 10-16 and 2 2013-03-24 00:25:28
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