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538581 searches: 396677 with results, 141904 with no results.
• Total - lists the total number of searches for each query
• Query - lists the various keywords for each search query
• Mode - lists the "and, exact, or" search mode per query
• Links - lists the average number of links found per query
• Time - lists the most recent GMT timestamp of each query
Listing 21 to 40 of 857. Page 2 of 43.
Total Query Mode Links Time
543 white and 13 2024-05-01 21:35:22
587 rubik's kubus oplossing and 5 2024-05-01 21:33:24
579 diy 3x3x3 and 1 2024-05-01 21:26:59
850 2x2x2 rubic cube and 1 2024-05-01 21:21:47
656 dogic and 92 2024-05-01 21:21:43
552 days and 2 2024-05-01 21:21:33
536 solution 5x5x5 and 5 2024-05-01 21:21:24
815 bandelow and 44 2024-05-01 21:18:39
627 4x4 revenge solution and 7 2024-05-01 21:17:46
574 yellow finished and 3 2024-05-01 21:16:25
529 pocket and 11 2024-05-01 21:16:25
467 puzzles and 68 2024-05-01 21:16:24
699 day and 9 2024-05-01 21:16:24
716 2x2x2 wood and 7 2024-05-01 21:16:24
439 weis and 3 2024-05-01 21:16:24
595 algorithm for barrel rubik's cube and 3 2024-05-01 21:16:24
542 idiot and 4 2024-05-01 21:16:24
550 russia and 22 2024-05-01 21:16:24
780 mini and 22 2024-05-01 21:16:24
556 fix rubik cube and 1 2024-05-01 21:13:20
<< | < | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | > | >>
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