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Results 1-1, 1 total, on "pocket" (0.02 seconds)

1. [100.00 %]  Rubik's Pocket Cube: Top Layer
limit to, this path : cube/solutions/pocketcube/top/

...Now that you have reviewed the Terminology section, you are ready to start solving the Pocket Cube. You will solve the cube in the following order: Top Bottom Corner Positioning Bottom Completion The ... ...Top I have based all of the pictures shown here, on the Pocket Cube that I have. Your colors may be different or they may be on different sides. If this is the case you may have to do some mental jugg... ...nsidered this piece in place when it was correctly positioned in the upper right-hand corner of the Pocket Cube. The following procedu... ...res for solving the rest of the top of the Pocket Cube also rely on that same assumption. The Second Corner Before you can put the second corner in place, you need to rotate the cube 1 turn to the lef...


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