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Results 1-1, 1 total, on "rubik cube gif" (0.04 seconds)

1. Rubik's Revenge Solution Guide. 100.00 %
... Welcome to the Rubik's Revenge Solution Guide. If you happen to have a Rubik's Revenge tucked away somewhere, pull it out, dust it off and prepare to actually solve it once and for all. The Rubik's ... ...Revenge hit the market in 1982, following in the footsteps of the Rubik's Pocket Cube and Rubik's Cube . It's popularity was not as intense as the Standard Rubik's Cube, but that may have been the fai... ...ling of a over saturated market. It seemed like everyone had a Rubik's Cube or one it the many Copy-Cat versions. I don't think anyone attempted to copy the Revenge, since I have only seen Real ones o... ...ite is an attempt to give you a completely graphical solution and because of that there are lots of GIF images throughout these pages. I h...
limit to, this path : cube/solutions/revenge/


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