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Results 1-2, 2 total, on "after completing" (0.01 seconds)

1 - [100.00 %]
Refine search limit to, this path : cube/solutions/pocketcube/bottomfinish/
Summary ...of the 7 patterns below. If after completing the process below, your cube is still not finished, match up your new pattern and perform this sequence once again. You will have to perform this process n...
Page address
Page size 3.4 kb
Page date 2006-01-03
2 - [100.00 %]
Refine search limit to, this path : cube/solutions/rubikscube/bottomplace/
Summary ...llow and red sides are not matching up like in my images. If after completing the process below, you find that the corners are not quite yet finished, match up your new pattern and perform this sequen...
Page address
Page size 10.4 kb
Page date 2006-01-03
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