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Results 1-2, 2 total, on "mechanism" (0.03 seconds)
Pyraminx (11.5 kb) Relevance : 100.00 % 
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... edge length turnable on planes parallel to the faces and trisecting the edges. Ratchet mechanism. Yellow, green, blue and orange triangular stickers on white plastic. Invented and produced by Uwe Mef... - last update : 2011-02-15
Slideshow for [b][color=#4BF70C]Pyraminx (36.4 kb) Relevance : 100.00 % 
limit to, this path : gallery2/
...ron of 102mm edge length turnable on planes parallel to the faces and trisecting the edges. Ratchet mechanism. Yellow, green, blue and orange triangular sticke... - last update : 2011-02-15
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