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Refine search limit to, this path : cube/solutions/revenge/bottomcorners/
Summary ...bottom layer that have Yellow on them. If they are next to each other, simply rotate the bottom until those two yellow corners are on the front side. If they are in their proper positions, you can pro... ...form the following step. If they are already in place, proceed to the next step . Finishing the Bottom Corners At this point, all 4 corners are in place but they probably are not properly rotated yet... ...dure. After finishing the procedure you will either have completed the Bottom Corners or you will have produced one of the other 7 patterns. You may need to perform this step up to a maximum of 3 time... ...s to solve the Bottom Corners. The only layer you need to be concerned with at this point is just the Red Layer. The colors on the other layers, indicated in the images below, are only for clarity and...
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Page date 2006-01-03
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