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Results 1-10, 12 total, on "top corners" (0.04 seconds)

1 - [100.00 %]
Refine search limit to, this path : cube/solutions/rubikscube/top/
Summary ...hat you have reviewed the Terminology section, you are ready to start solving the Rubik's Cube. The Top Corners I have based all of the pictures shown here, on the Rubik's Cube that I have. Your ... ...the case you may have to do some mental juggling to follow along. When this process is finished the top of your cube will look lik... ... solving the rest of the top corners of the Rubik's Cube also rely on that same assumption. The Top Center Piece Before we can continue you must move the appropriate Blue Center piece to the center t... ...below you will be able to position the Blue Center where it belongs: Let's now proceed to the other top corners. The Second Corner Bef...
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Page size 15.8 kb
Page date 2006-01-03
2 - [99.24 %]
Refine search limit to, this path : cube/solutions/rubikscube/bottomplace/
Summary ...s Find the two corners on the top layer that have ORANGE on them. It does not matter at this time which directions the ORANGE colors face. If the two ORANGE corners are next to each other then rotate ... ...the top layer until you can match your Rubik's Cube to the picture below. NOTE: If the Orange corners are diagonally across from each other you will need to skip to the diagonal procedure. NOTE: The a... ...ppearance of the many Orange stickers on the two top corners is only to show that the Orange stickers can be facing any direction. If the corners are actually in their correct locations even if their... ...nally If the Orange corners were diagonally across from each other, you will need to rotate the Top until the Top Left Corner is actually in the correct position and then perform the following procedu...
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Page size 10.4 kb
Page date 2006-01-03
3 - [72.82 %]
Refine search limit to, this path : cube/solutions/revenge/topcorners/
Summary ... corner and rotate the entire cube in your hands until you match the cube below. Our goal for the 4 top corners is t... ...r position so that we can put the next piece in place. When we finish this step you will have these corners completed. Since we are looking for the Blue/Orange/Green corne... ...have these corners completed. Since we are looking for the Orange/Green/White corner, rotate the bottom layer until you can position it directly below where it belongs - in the front-bottom-right cor... ...osition so that we can put the next piece in place. When we finish this step you will have these corners completed. Since we are looking for the Orange/White/Yellow corner, rotate the bottom layer un...
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Page size 16.0 kb
Page date 2006-01-03
4 - [49.24 %]
Refine search limit to, this path : cube/solutions/rubikscube/topedges/
Summary ...Now that you have completed the Top Corners, you are ready to position all of the Top Edges of your Rubik's Cube. The Top Edges When you are finished with this step of the solution, you will have a cu... that looks like this: The Four Top Edges You will need to find an edge piece that belongs on the top layer. So that you do not undo the hard work you accomplished in putting the top corners in pla... ...position that one piece. Repeat this process up to 4 time to place all 4 edge pieces on the top. When you have completely finished the top edges, you will be ready to SOLVE the Center Row. ...
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Page size 6.7 kb
Page date 2006-01-03
5 - [47.67 %]
Refine search limit to, this path : cube/solutions/revenge/bottomcorners/
Summary ... Next, the Bottom Corners will be completed. This will require you to flip your cube upside down so that the semi-completed Orange side is facing up right, once again. This is a two step process. Fir... we need to get the four corners in their proper positions Second we need to rotate them, if necessary, to get their colors all oriented Positioning: First Pair First, locate the two corners on the ... ...ave Yellow on them. If they are next to each other, simply rotate the bottom until those two yellow corners are on the front side. If they are in their proper positions, you can pro... ...ceed to the back two corners. If they need to be swapped, follow the steps below: If, however, the two yellow pieces are diagonally across from each other you will need to perform the Diagonal Procedu...
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Page size 12.2 kb
Page date 2006-01-03
6 - [44.38 %]
Refine search limit to, this path : cube/solutions/pocketcube/bottomplace/
Summary ...Now that you have reviewed the Terminology and successfully completed the Top Layer , you are ready to position the bottom corners. At this time you only need to be concerned about making sure the bot... ...tom corners are in their proper locations. We will twist each corner in the Last Step to match all of the colors up. Find the two corners on the bottom layer that have green on them. It does not matte... ...r at this time which directions the green colors face. If the two green corners are next to each other then rotate the bottom layer until you can match your Pocket Cube to the picture below. NOTE: If... ... the green corners are diagonally across from each other you will need to skip to the diagonal procedure. NOTE: The appearance of the many green stickers on the two bottom corners is only to show that...
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Page size 7.0 kb
Page date 2006-01-03
7 - [32.57 %]
Refine search limit to, this path : cube/solutions/pocketcube/top/
Summary ...on, you are ready to start solving the Pocket Cube. You will solve the cube in the following order: Top Bottom Corner Positioning Bottom Completion The ... ...Top I have based all of the pictures shown here, on the Pocket Cube that I have. Your colors may be different or they may be on different sides. If this is the case you may have to do some mental jugg... ...res for solving the rest of the top of the Pocket Cube also rely on that same assumption. The Second Corner Before you can put the second corner in place, you need to rotate the cube 1 turn to the lef... ...-hand corner does not have a properly positioned piece in it, as you did while solving the Previous Corners. Now...
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Page size 14.1 kb
Page date 2006-01-03
8 - [30.15 %]
Refine search limit to, this path : cube/solutions/revenge/bottomcenters/
Summary ...lace as shown. The corners are only displayed here for clarity; you will not have the corners completed at his time. NOTE: Gray stickers simply indicate that you need not be concerned with those piece... Simply repeat the steps below up to four times to complete the Bottom Centers. Your goals is top... ... put a piece in the Top Back Left Corner of the cube, so you may need to spin the entire cube in your hands until you can provide an open slot in which to transfer the piece into. Rotate your cube us... ...w that you are finished with the Bottom Centers, proceed to the Bottom Corners . ...
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Page size 7.6 kb
Page date 2006-01-03
9 - [24.62 %]
Refine search limit to, this path : cube/solutions/rubikscube/centeredge/
Summary ...Now that you have finished the entire Top Layer of the cube you are ready to start solving the Middle Layer. The Middle Edges When you finish this next step your cube will look like this: Before we s... ...tart, rotate the top layer until the center colors on all 4 sides match the top row. This will in effect lock the two top rows into position. We're getting closer. Your cube should look like this: The... ...le layer. When you have completely finished the Middle Layer, you will be ready to SOLVE the Bottom Corners ...
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Page size 5.8 kb
Page date 2006-01-03
10 - [12.31 %]
Refine search limit to, this path : cube/solutions/pocketcube/bottomfinish/
Summary ...Now that you have: Reviewed the Terminology and Successfully completed the Top Layer and Positioned the Bottom Corners , you are ready to finish the bottom. Rotate the entire cube until you match one ...
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Page size 3.4 kb
Page date 2006-01-03
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