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Results 1-1, 1 total, on "act" (0.02 seconds)
Rubik's Revenge Solution - Top Bottom Edges (22.9 kb) Relevance : 100.00 %   
... use steps 1 through 4 to properly place the pieces. It is also possible that all the Red Edges are actually on the top but ... ...shed, lets flip the cube over and finish the Orange Side. Unfortunately fixing the Orange Side will actually temporarily mess up two of your completed Red Edges that you jus... ... effect. It actually messed up the pieces in the Dark Gray positions see images below . We didn't really care before, since we were not concerned with the Orange Edges yet. We need to sacrifice a pair... ...e steps 1 through 4 to properly place the pieces. It is also possible that all the Orange Edges are actually on the Orange Fa... - last update : 2006-01-03
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