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Results 1-1, 1 total, on "rubik cube" (0.01 seconds)
Rubik's Cube: Top Layer (15.8 kb) Relevance : 100.00 %   
...Now that you have reviewed the Terminology section, you are ready to start solving the Rubik's Cube. The Top Corners I have based all of the pictures shown here, on the Rubik's Cube that I have. Your ... ... may have to do some mental juggling to follow along. When this process is finished the top of your cube will look lik... ...e this: The First Corner You will start by solving the BLUE side of the cube. Rotate the cube in your hands until you find the corner with the colors Blue/Orange/Yellow . Now turn the cube so that th... ...nsidered this piece in place when it was correctly positioned in the upper right-hand corner of the Rubik's Cube. The following procedures for... - last update : 2006-01-03
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