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Results 1-1, 1 total, on "top edge" (0.01 seconds)
Rubik's Cube: Middle Layer (5.8 kb) Relevance : 100.00 %   
...Now that you have finished the entire Top Layer of the cube you are ready to start solving the Middle Layer. The Middle Edges When you finish this next step your cube will look like this: Before we s... ...tart, rotate the top layer until the center colors on all 4 sides match the top row. This will in effect lock the two top rows into position. We're getting closer. Your cube should look like this: The... 3 possible scenarios you will face when tackling this middle row. To start, simply look at the 4 edges on the Bottom Layer and find one piece that does not belong on the Bottom Layer. Once... ...that you can use one of the two methods above to put it back in place. Repeat this process for each edge piece and you will have co... - last update : 2006-01-03
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