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Results 1-8, 8 total, on "act" (0.04 seconds)

1. Rubik's Revenge Solution - Top Bottom Edges. 100.00 %
... use steps 1 through 4 to properly place the pieces. It is also possible that all the Red Edges are actually on the top but ... ...shed, lets flip the cube over and finish the Orange Side. Unfortunately fixing the Orange Side will actually temporarily mess up two of your completed Red Edges that you jus... ... effect. It actually messed up the pieces in the Dark Gray positions see images below . We didn't really care before, since we were not concerned with the Orange Edges yet. We need to sacrifice a pair... ...e steps 1 through 4 to properly place the pieces. It is also possible that all the Orange Edges are actually on the Orange Fa...
limit to, this path : cube/solutions/revenge/topbottomedges/
2. Rubik's Pocket Cube: Bottom Corner Position. 77.46 %
... the green stickers can be facing any direction. If the corners are actually in their correct locations even if their colors are not quite yet facing the correct directions , then this step is complet... ...e . If they are actually backwards in each other's positions then perform the following procedure to swap them. Diagonally If the green corners were diagonally across from each other, you will need... ... to rotate the bottom until the Bottom Left corner is actually in the correct position and then perform the following procedure to move the other green corner into its proper position. The Other Two ...
limit to, this path : cube/solutions/pocketcube/bottomplace/
3. Rubik's Revenge Solution - Side Edges. 77.46 %
...until you can position the next piece Green/White next to the Green/Blue piece as shown. This piece actually belongs below ... ...til you can position the next piece White/Yellow next to the White/Green piece as shown. This piece actually belongs below the White/Green piece also shown and this followi... ... the last piece Yellow/Blue next to the Yellow/White piece as shown. This piece actually belongs below the Yellow/Blue piece also shown and this following procedure will move it there. That's it, t...
limit to, this path : cube/solutions/revenge/sideedges/
4. Rubik's Cube: Bottom Corner Position. 77.46 %
...op corners is only to show that the Orange stickers can be facing any direction. If the corners are actually in their correct locations even if their... ... colors are not quite yet facing the correct directions , then this step is complete . If they are actually backwards in each other's position then perform the following procedure to swap them. Diago... ...ere diagonally across from each other, you will need to rotate the Top until the Top Left Corner is actually in the correct position and then perform the following procedu...
limit to, this path : cube/solutions/rubikscube/bottomplace/
5. Rubik's Cube: Bottom Corner Position. 63.25 % Last Four Edges Even in the worst possible scenario at least one of the 4 remaining edges is actually in place. Find that pi... ...his step twice to get them all in place. The Last Step All pieces are now in place, in fact you may actually be done now. Your cube can now only appear in one of 2 different states. I have ou...
limit to, this path : cube/solutions/rubikscube/bottomedge/
6. Rubik's Revenge Solution Guide. 44.72 % happen to have a Rubik's Revenge tucked away somewhere, pull it out, dust it off and prepare to actually solve it once and for all. The Rubik's ...
limit to, this path : cube/solutions/revenge/
7. Rubik's Pocket Cube: Top Layer. 44.72 %
...utting a piece in place because it is not on the bottom and is actually in its proper place - however the red is not facing up - then match your scenario to one of the situations below and follow the ...
limit to, this path : cube/solutions/pocketcube/top/
8. Rubik's Cube: Top Layer. 44.72 %
...ottom and is actually in its proper place - however the Blue Side is not facing up - then match your scenario to one of the situations below and follow the steps shown. When you have completely fin...
limit to, this path : cube/solutions/rubikscube/top/


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