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Results 1-4, 4 total, on "blue" (0.02 seconds)

1. [100.00 %]  Rubik's Cube: Top Layer
limit to, this path : cube/solutions/rubikscube/top/

...e this: The First Corner You will start by solving the BLUE side of the cube. Rotate the cube in your hands until you find the corner with the colors Blue/Orange/Yellow . Now turn the cube so that th... ...e Blue sticker on that corner is facing up and matches the picture below. NOTE: The gray stickers indicate that the colors of those stickers are irrelevant to the operation being performed. Congratula... ... on that same assumption. The Top Center Piece Before we can continue you must move the appropriate Blue Center piece to the center t... ...sition. If you simply rotate the two center rows highlighted below you will be able to position the Blue Center where it belongs: Let's now proceed to the other top corners. The Second Corner Bef...

2. [33.33 %]  Rubik's Revenge Solution - Side Edges
limit to, this path : cube/solutions/revenge/sideedges/

...een as column two so that you can position the first edge piece - the Green/Blue Edge. All pieces with dimmed colors are shown for reference only. The normal dark colors represent the pieces we will b... ... TO GO... Spin the third column until you can position the next piece Green/White next to the Green/Blue piece as shown. This piece actually belongs below ... ...the Green/Blue piece also shown and this following procedure will move it there. PROBLEMS? - If you can not find the second piece on Row Three, perform this move, and look again. TWO DOWN, TWO TO GO... ... the last piece Yellow/Blue next to the Yellow/White piece as shown. This piece actually belongs below the Yellow/Blue piece also shown and this following procedure will move it there. That's it, t...

3. [33.33 %]  Rubik's Cube: Bottom Corner Position
limit to, this path : cube/solutions/rubikscube/bottomplace/

... Before we start the next section I want you to flip the Rubik's Cube upside down, so that the Blue face is facing down. We will work through the remaining steps this way. Positioning The Last Corner...

4. [33.33 %]  Rubik's Revenge Solution - Top Corners
limit to, this path : cube/solutions/revenge/topcorners/

...e pieces at this time. STEP 1 - First Corner Start by finding the Yellow/Orange/Blue corner and rotate the entire cube in your hands until you match the cube below. Our goal for the 4 top corners is t... When we finish this step you will have these corners completed. Since we are looking for the Blue/Orange/Green corne...


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