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Results 1-4, 4 total, on "enter colours for square" (0.04 seconds)

1. [100.00 %]  Puzzle Corner
limit to, this path : shop/

...levels. Paypal is the only payment method accepted. Shipping is 8 euros for up to 6 items within Europe. Outside Europe, you can choose between surface mail and airmail. Surface mail for up to 6 items... ... and airmail will be 15 euros. If you want to buy more than 6 items, please begin a new transaction for items # 7, 8, a.s.o. If a shopping cart will have more than 6 items, the money ... ...ou would like to buy write only if you intend to buy and ask for shipping rates and eventual wholesale prices. In this case you will have to wait for me to invoice you. Some comments from people who b... ...ought from me: # I have received the cubes this morning. Thank you very much for the transaction. I'm professor in secondary school ages from 12 to 18 and I am developing a workshop about Rubik's cube...

2. [42.64 %]  Puzzle Corner
limit to, this path : shop/

...tion €80.00 Old Octahedron Short Description €5.00 DIY Picture Cube Use your own pictures for this cube! €15.00 Rare Russian 2x2 Sverdlovsk Minus Cube Short Descriptio... ...on Barrel sealed €10.00 Clone Void Cube good quality €55.00 Wooden Take Apart Puzzle Went for $11,000 in US auction Shop Home Categories View Cart Shipping prices by P&T Lux...

3. [42.64 %]  Puzzle Corner
limit to, this path : shop/

...#1 the price is for one cube - Rubik's brand €2.00 Beer cube promotional item - not Rubik branded €8.50 Eastsheen 5x5x5 the price is for one cube €7.00 Poker Cube with Poker dice, i...

4. [30.15 %]  Puzzle Corner
limit to, this path : shop/

...rice is for one item €5.50 ITC 1a The Ideal Solution €5.50 ITC 1b The Ideal Solution €5.50 ITC 1c The Ideal Solution €7.50 ITC 2 newsletter #1 €17.50 Kosniowski Czes Conquer t...


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