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Results 1-1, 1 total, on "last layer" (0.01 seconds)

1. [100.00 %]  Rubik's Revenge Solution - Top Bottom Edges
limit to, this path : cube/solutions/revenge/topbottomedges/

...cube. If you run out of pieces on the two center rows: You will most likely find more on the bottom layer. If so, the fifth st... ... Red Pieces in place. If you find that the two remaining Red Edges are in BOTH the Second and Third Layer, match your cube to the samples in Step 1 and Step 2 and follow the ... ...are not relevant, just the move itself is important. If the two remaining Red Edges are on the Same Layer you will need to use another ... ...procedure first. If one or two of the Red Edges are actually on the Bottom Layer in the gray positions then you will need to perform another step first. STEP 1 STEP 2 If your Red Side is complete, ...


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