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Results 21-30, 63 total, on "enter colours for square" (0.06 seconds)
Cube Solution Library (98.2 kb) Relevance : 33.39 % 
limit to, this path : cube/title/ - last update : 2006-01-17
Rubik's Revenge Solution - Bottom Corners (12.2 kb) Relevance : 33.39 %   
...form the following step. If they are already in place, proceed to the next step . Finishing the Bottom Corners At this point, all 4 corners are in place but they probably are not properly rotated yet... ... next step will require you to flip your cube over again, so that the Orange Side is on the bottom. Fortunately there is only one procedure to remember when orienting the Bottom Corners. Unfortu... ...oint is just the Red Layer. The colors on the other layers, indicated in the images below, are only for clarity and... - last update : 2006-01-03
Rubik's Cube: Middle Layer (5.8 kb) Relevance : 33.39 %   
... its place - this will force the problem piece to the bottom row so that you can use one of the two methods above to put it back in place. Repeat this process for each edge piece and you will have co... - last update : 2006-01-03
Rubik's Revenge Solution - Bottom Centers (7.6 kb) Relevance : 33.39 %   
...lace as shown. The corners are only displayed here for clarity; you will not have the corners completed at his time. NOTE: Gray stickers simply indicate that you need not be concerned with those piece... ...s at this time. Bottom Centers This step will work for all 4 of the Red Centers that you need to place. Simply repeat the steps below up to four times to complete the Bottom Centers. Your goals is top... - last update : 2006-01-03
Rubik's Revenge Solution - Top Centers (8.9 kb) Relevance : 33.39 %   
... Now for the Top Centers. When you finish this process your cube should look like this: NOTE: Gray stickers simply indicate that you need not be concerned with those pieces at this time. STEP 1 - Cen... ...Orange pieces. Before looking for the next Center, spin the entire cube in your hands one turn to the left. This will move the Just Finished piece out of its position so that we can put the next piece... - last update : 2006-01-03
Cube Solution Library (52.7 kb) Relevance : 23.61 % 
limit to, this path : cube/title/
...Georges Rating: 9.00 Votes: 1 Rate this book 10 Max 9 8 7 6 5 Medium 4 3 2 1 0 Min Losningstekniker for ungerska kuben HANNER Olof Rat... - last update : 2006-01-17
Cube Solution Library (65.1 kb) Relevance : 23.61 % 
limit to, this path : cube/title/
...yunk? MEZEI Andras Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0 Rate this book 10 Max 9 8 7 6 5 Medium 4 3 2 1 0 Min Moves for the 4x4x4 an... - last update : 2006-01-17
Cube Solution Library (15.4 kb) Relevance : 23.61 % 
limit to, this path : cube/title/ - last update : 2006-01-17
Cube Solution Library (2.2 kb) Relevance : 23.61 % 
limit to, this path : cube/title/
... Details for Solving Rubik's cube I/II Top Puzzles 1 p.26-27 / 2 p.26-27 Title Author Language Copy/Original Solving Rubik's cube I/II Top Puzzles 1 p.26-27 / 2 p.26-27 TRURAN Trevor English copy Pub... - last update : 2006-01-17
Cube Solution Library (2.2 kb) Relevance : 23.61 % 
limit to, this path : cube/title/
... Details for Solving that eastern bloc k Title Author Language Copy/Original Solving that eastern bloc k TRURAN Trevor English copy Published Year ISBN Pages Votes Rating Computer Talk 7.11.79 1979 1... - last update : 2006-01-17
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