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Results 51-60, 353 total, on "help for project" (0.07 seconds)
Twistypuzzle Forum Pics (21.9 kb) Relevance : 44.72 % 
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... JavaScript must be enabled for this page to function properly. However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser. Please enable JavaScript by changing your browser opt... ...o; Sidebar Georges Helm's Galleries GHG » Georges Helm's Cube Collection » Twistypuzzle Forum Pics Twistypuzzle Forum Pics Date: 17... - last update : 2011-02-15
Slideshow for [b][color=#EA8A0D]Books (184.8 kb) Relevance : 44.72 % 
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... Slideshow for [b][color=#EA8A0D]Books aa_booksa Date: 28/04/09 adams01 Date: 11/05/07 agostini01 Date: 02/12/07 akiyama01 Date: 26/11/07 alexander01 Date: 11/05/07 altstein_dror01 Date: 11/05/07 ... ...mage Show More Info delay: 1 second 3 seconds 5 seconds 10 seconds 15 seconds 20 seconds direction: forward reverse random max size: 320x320 640x640 800x800 1024x1024 1280x1280 no limit JavaSc... ...ript must be enabled for this page to function properly. However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser. Please enable JavaScript by changing your browser options, th... - last update : 2011-02-15
Slideshow for [b][color=#4BF70C]Other nxnxn Cubes (15.4 kb) Relevance : 44.72 % 
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... Slideshow for [b][color=#4BF70C]Other nxnxn Cubes 6x6x6 Date: 26/06/05 Invented by P. Verdes Greece . This is a prototype I got from the inventor in July 2005. 6x6x6 Date: 26/06/05 Invented by P. V... ...mage Show More Info delay: 1 second 3 seconds 5 seconds 10 seconds 15 seconds 20 seconds direction: forward reverse random... ... max size: 320x320 640x640 800x800 1024x1024 1280x1280 no limit JavaScript must be enabled for this page to function properly. However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your... - last update : 2011-02-15
Slideshow for [b][color=#EA8A0D]Books (184.8 kb) Relevance : 44.72 % 
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... Slideshow for [b][color=#EA8A0D]Books aa_booksa Date: 28/04/09 adams01 Date: 11/05/07 agostini01 Date: 02/12/07 akiyama01 Date: 26/11/07 alexander01 Date: 11/05/07 altstein_dror01 Date: 11/05/07 ... ...mage Show More Info delay: 1 second 3 seconds 5 seconds 10 seconds 15 seconds 20 seconds direction: forward reverse random max size: 320x320 640x640 800x800 1024x1024 1280x1280 no limit JavaSc... ...ript must be enabled for this page to function properly. However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser. Please enable JavaScript by changing your browser options, th... - last update : 2011-02-15
Rubik's Revenge Solution - Bottom Corners (12.2 kb) Relevance : 36.51 %   
...form the following step. If they are already in place, proceed to the next step . Finishing the Bottom Corners At this point, all 4 corners are in place but they probably are not properly rotated yet... ... next step will require you to flip your cube over again, so that the Orange Side is on the bottom. Fortunately there is only one procedure to remember when orienting the Bottom Corners. Unfortu... ...oint is just the Red Layer. The colors on the other layers, indicated in the images below, are only for clarity and... - last update : 2006-01-03
pack09031814 (10.8 kb) Relevance : 36.51 % 
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...o; Sidebar Georges Helm's Galleries GHG » Georges Helm's Cube Collection » Twistypuzzle Forum Pics » pack09031814 pack09031814 Date: 18/03/09 ... ...Advanced Search Actions Advanced Search View Slideshow Twistypuzzle Forum Pics 1. 333222dvd ... 7. esfera4 8. new0309 9. pack09031813 10. pack09031814 11. postman 12. puck1 13. puck2 ... 18. termop... - last update : 2011-02-15
Georges Helm's Cube Collection (29.2 kb) Relevance : 36.51 % 
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... JavaScript must be enabled for this page to function properly. However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser. Please enable JavaScript by changing your browser opt... wood, metal, plastic, ... Date: 10/05/07 Size: 48 items 231 items total Views: 1954 Twistypuzzle Forum Pics Date: 17/01/09 Size: 18 items Views: 11... - last update : 2011-02-15
Twistypuzzle Forum Pics (21.5 kb) Relevance : 36.51 % 
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...o; Sidebar Georges Helm's Galleries GHG » Georges Helm's Cube Collection » Twistypuzzle Forum Pics Twistypuzzle Forum Pics Date: 17/01/09 Size: 18 item... - last update : 2011-02-15
puck3 (11.2 kb) Relevance : 36.51 % 
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...o; Sidebar Georges Helm's Galleries GHG » Georges Helm's Cube Collection » Twistypuzzle Forum Pics » puck3 puck3 Date: 01/11/09 Advanced Searc... ...h Actions Advanced Search View Slideshow Twistypuzzle Forum Pics 1. 333222dvd ... 11. postman 12. puck1 13. puck2 14. puck3 15. shop0309 16. termoplast1 17. termoplast2 18. termoplast3 c Georges He... - last update : 2011-02-15
termoplast1 (10.7 kb) Relevance : 36.51 % 
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...o; Sidebar Georges Helm's Galleries GHG » Georges Helm's Cube Collection » Twistypuzzle Forum Pics » termoplast1 termoplast1 Date: 05/06/09 Ad... ...vanced Search Actions Advanced Search View Slideshow Twistypuzzle Forum Pics 1. 333222dvd ... 12. puck1 13. puck2 14. puck3 15. shop0309 16. termoplast1 17. termoplast2 18. termoplast3 c Georges He... - last update : 2011-02-15
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