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Results 31-40, 121 total, on "supernova cube" (0.10 seconds)
Cube related Memorabilia (17.1 kb) Relevance : 29.96 % 
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...ions, then try again. Main Cube Page « Login « Sidebar Georges Helm's Galleries GHG » Georges Helm's Cube Collection » Cube related Memorabilia Cube related Memorabilia Date: ... ...bilia Date: 14/02/10 Size: 85 items Views: 59 Actions Advanced Search View Slideshow Georges Helm's Cube ... ...Collection 1. Items to... ... 8. 5x5x5 Cubes 9. Other nxnxn... 10. Supernova... 11. Cube... 12. Group Pictures 13. Package... 14. Pyraminx ... 22. Virwelztuut c Georges Helm 1980-2010 / ... ... since... - last update : 2011-02-15
supernova04 (11.2 kb) Relevance : 27.74 % 
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... Main Cube Page « Login « Sidebar Georges Helm's Galleries GHG » Georges Helm's Cube Collection » Group Pictures » supernova04 supernova04 Date: 29/10/07 Advanced Se... ... Search View Slideshow Group Pictures 1. The Vitrines ... 14. 3x3_t_group2 15. _05 16. P8202362 17. supernova04 18. minigroup 19. Obvious! 20. promogroup29 ... 47. gigs c Georg... - last update : 2011-02-15
MEFFERT'S DODECAHEDRON (11.6 kb) Relevance : 27.74 % 
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... MEFFERT'S DODECAHEDRON Main Cube Page « Login « Sidebar Georges Helm's Galleries GHG » Georges Helm's Cube Collection » Supernova Square-1 Impossiball Skewb Dogic ... »... ...odecahedron of 30mm edge length cut and turnable as described in Christoph Bandelow: Inside Rubik's Cube and beyond pages 8... ...old as Megaminx by Tomy, USA. Date: 09/04/05 Advanced Search Actions Advanced Search View Slideshow Supernova Square-1 Impossiball Ske... - last update : 2011-02-15
MEFFERT'S DODECAHEDRON (11.7 kb) Relevance : 27.74 % 
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... MEFFERT'S DODECAHEDRON Main Cube Page « Login « Sidebar Georges Helm's Galleries GHG » Georges Helm's Cube Collection » Supernova Square-1 Impossiball Skewb Dogic ... »... ...odecahedron of 30mm edge length cut and turnable as described in Christoph Bandelow: Inside Rubik's Cube and beyond pages 8... ...old as Megaminx by Tomy, USA. Date: 22/06/06 Advanced Search Actions Advanced Search View Slideshow Supernova Square-1 Impossiball Ske... - last update : 2011-02-15
rainbow_769 (11.6 kb) Relevance : 27.74 % 
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...rainbow_769 Main Cube Page « Login « Sidebar Georges Helm's Galleries GHG » Georges Helm's Cube Collection » Supernova Square-1 Impossiball Skewb Dogic ... » rainbow_769... ... rainbow_769 Lot 906 - Rainbow Cube Phase: 8 Winning bid: $89 Size: 6x6x6cm Notes: Each triangular face rotates 120 degrees. This is the seven color version. Includes original packaging and Japanes... ...e instruction sheet. Date: 23/05/06 Advanced Search Actions Advanced Search View Slideshow Supernova Square-1 Impossiball Skewb Dogic ... 1. New... ... 51. square1_mod... 52. square1_mod... 53. r... - last update : 2011-02-15
Alexander's Star - English edition (11.0 kb) Relevance : 22.65 % 
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... Main Cube Page « Login « Sidebar Georges Helm's Galleries GHG » Georges Helm's Cube Collection » Supernova Square-1 Impossiball Skewb Dogic ... » Alexander's Star - Eng... ...nder's Star - English edition Date: 18/03/06 Advanced Search Actions Advanced Search View Slideshow Supernova Square-1 Impossiball Skewb Dogic ... 1. New... ... 66. x_impossib... - last update : 2011-02-15
x_impossiball_493 (10.9 kb) Relevance : 22.65 % 
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... Main Cube Page « Login « Sidebar Georges Helm's Galleries GHG » Georges Helm's Cube Collection » Supernova Square-1 Impossiball Skewb Dogic ... » x_impossiball_493 x... ..._impossiball_493 Date: 29/10/06 Advanced Search Actions Advanced Search View Slideshow Supernova Square-1 Impossiball Skewb Dogic ... 1. New... ... 64. x_impossiba... 65. x_impossiba... 66. x_impo... - last update : 2011-02-15
x_astar_317 (10.9 kb) Relevance : 22.65 % 
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... Main Cube Page « Login « Sidebar Georges Helm's Galleries GHG » Georges Helm's Cube Collection » Supernova Square-1 Impossiball Skewb Dogic ... » x_astar_317 x_astar... ..._317 Date: 09/04/05 Advanced Search Actions Advanced Search View Slideshow Supernova Square-1 Impossiball Skewb Dogic ... 1. New... ... 65. x_impossiba... 66. x_impossiba... 67. x_impossiba... 68.... - last update : 2011-02-15
Hungarian Dogic (10.9 kb) Relevance : 22.65 % 
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... Main Cube Page « Login « Sidebar Georges Helm's Galleries GHG » Georges Helm's Cube Collection » Supernova Square-1 Impossiball Skewb Dogic ... » Hungarian Dogic Hun... ...garian Dogic Date: 09/04/05 Advanced Search Actions Advanced Search View Slideshow Supernova Square-1 Impossiball Skewb Dogic ... 1. New... ... 68. x_astar_317 69. Alexander's... 70. Alexander's..... - last update : 2011-02-15
Mèffert Dogic (10.9 kb) Relevance : 22.65 % 
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... Main Cube Page « Login « Sidebar Georges Helm's Galleries GHG » Georges Helm's Cube Collection » Supernova Square-1 Impossiball Skewb Dogic ... » Mèffert Dogic Mèf... ...fert Dogic Date: 09/04/05 Advanced Search Actions Advanced Search View Slideshow Supernova Square-1 Impossiball Skewb Dogic ... 1. New... ... 70. Alexander's... 71. Hungarian... 72. Mèffert Dogic... - last update : 2011-02-15
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