Daniel Urlings
2011-02-15 (20.2 kb)
...arding the Rubik's Cube. He made a fully functional cardboard 3x3x3 cube as well as a 3x3x3 cube of matches, again fully functional. For a long time I wanted to pa...
Daniel Urlings
2011-02-15 (19.8 kb)
...arding the Rubik's Cube. He made a fully functional cardboard 3x3x3 cube as well as a 3x3x3 cube of matches, again fully functional. For a long time I wanted to pay him a visit and ha...
Rubik's Pocket Cube: Top Layer
2006-01-03 (14.1 kb)
...o that the red sticker on that corner is facing up and matches the picture below. NOTE: The gray stickers indicate that the colors of those stickers are irrelevant to the operation being performed. Co...
Rubik's Revenge Solution - Side Edges
2006-01-03 (15.9 kb)
...rt with Row Two and then complete Row Three . Before we start, rotate your cube sideways so that it matches the image below. You will probably need to spin the second row now s...
Rubik's Cube: Top Layer
2006-01-03 (15.8 kb)
...e Blue sticker on that corner is facing up and matches the picture below. NOTE: The gray stickers indicate that the colors of those stickers are irrelevant to the operation being performed. Congratula...
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